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Cooking with Kids
Here are a few great recipes that are simple, fun and most importantly… kid friendly.
100’s of recipies
Browse our collection of egg recipes, everything from quick breakfast ideas to our favourite classic egg recipes.
Who We Are
Egg Farmers of Newfoundland & Labrador (EFNL) strives to deliver the highest-quality, locally produced eggs to Newfoundlanders and Labradorians.
The EFNL is a Commodity Board governing the production of eggs across the Province of Newfoundland & Labrador. The EFNL collaborates with local egg farmers across the island to help raise healthy hens and produce eggs at a fair price for all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians. Each Province of Canada has a provincial egg board comprised of a Board of Directors and a local board office.
Canada’s national egg industry is governed by The Egg Farmers of Canada (EFC). Each provincial board operates under a levy system. Levies are collected on a per-bird basis from each producer in every province and allow for the day-to-day operation of the local boards and the operation of EFC and all the programs therein. The EFNL board is comprised of six directors elected by the producers of our Province for a two-year term.
Our vision is to maintain and build upon our growing, cost efficient egg industry that sustainably supplies the Newfoundland and Labrador market for table eggs and egg products.

Our Farmers
Egg farmers are an essential part of ensuring food security in Newfoundland and Labrador, and across the country. Our province is fortunate enough to have some of the most experienced egg farmers in Canada, providing Newfoundlanders and Labradorians with fresh, high-quality eggs all year round.Eggs 101
All About the Egg
Eggs 101 is designed to teach Newfoundlanders and Labradorians everything there is to know about eggs. Want to find out where our eggs come from, how they’re kept fresh, or their anatomy and nutrition? Find out more and become a certified eggs-pert.
Did you know?
Eggs are laid in Newfoundland & Labrador yearly

In the Community
The Egg Farmers of Newfoundland and Labrador take pride in supporting and giving back to our community. We take part in Breakfast Clubs for Canada and various fundraising breakfasts by supplying egg donations. Through sponsorships, we support our local sports community, including sponsorships for Paradise Men’s Basketball, Tim Horton’s Brier Curling, Paradise Minor League Softball, and more.
Our partnership with Kids Eat Smart provides us with the opportunity to help feed school-age children who may not have nutritious breakfasts at home as an option. We participate in numerous agriculture & healthy living events by sharing excellent nutritional information and distributing promotional items.
We have also donated in-classroom garden boxes for the Agriculture in the Classroom – Little Green Thumbs program. We are proud to take part in supporting our community through these social initiatives and more!